Aaron / 2023-06-30
一个人应该先做到爱自己,才能去爱他人,爱小猫小狗,花草树木,爱护环境,爱祖国。 你能想一个连自己都不爱的人能为别人着想吗?
English edition:
The Sequence of Love
I do agree with a point from Mr Yongyuan Cui very well:
Love has its sequence: the first is to love yourself.
A man should love himself, then others, animals such as cats and dogs, the environment and native land.
Could you believe that a man who does not love himself to think about others?
It is tragic that our accepted education requires us to love our native land first, then love our parents, the environment, and everything surrounding us except ourselves. Education inclines not to teach people to be independent.
However, I am the lucky mutation creature.
The translation is produced by myself and polished by Grammarly. If there is anything misexpression, please enlighten me. Thanks.