About Me
Aaron / 2024-04-02
Hi there. I have a master’s degree now and am seeking a Ph.D. position. My research topic is the detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) based on OCTA images, and I am proficient in computer-aided image analysis and application programming. I am glad to connect with you at any time.
GitHub & LinkedIn & Email: iaaronlau AT foxmail dot com.
M.S. in Electronic and Information Engineering
Wenzhou Medical University; — 2021-2024, GPA: 3.5/4.0
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, CAS; — 2021-2024 -
B.S. in Software Engineering
Hebei University of Science and Technology; — 2017-2021
Regional Relation Model for EOAD/MCI Detection Based on OCTA (PolarNet+) 2023-2024
The extension of the Polar-Net. By serializing the images into sequences in three directions and seeing the sequences as nodes to construct a graph, this work enhances the interpretability. -
Multilevel Graph Representation Model for AD/MCI Detection (Eye-AD) 2022-2023
Proposed a graph model using multilevel representation, which utilizes the intra- and inter-instance relationships of different features in the retinal OCTA images. -
Clinical-Friendly OCTA-based AD Detection Model (Polar-Net) 2021-2022
Proposed a method that follows the clinical analysis method for AD, improving the interpretability of the model. The region-based importance map provides a new AD research view. Source. -
Three-dimensional Reconstruction System Based on Laser Radar 2020-2021
Developed a plugin for CloudCompare to realize real-time capture for buildings using laser radar. Meanwhile, I built a hardware platform to realize wireless capture. Source.
Master Student & Server Administrator, Intelligent Medical Imaging Team — 2021-2024
- IELTS Band-6.5;
- Python & the commonly used data analyzing libraries based on it.
- PyTorch-based deep-learning and Transformers🤗.
- Flask/Java-based web application development.
- The administration & utilization of the relation-entity database, such as MySQL or MariaDB.
- Linux server administration & Essential C++/Qt application development.
- The WMU fellowship of 2021-2024.
- An excellent student of the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering in 2023.
- Liu S, Hao J, et al. Beyond the Eye: A Relational Model for Early Dementia Detection Using Retinal OCTA Images[J]. Medical Image Analysis, 2025: 103513.
- Hao J, Kwapong W, Liu S, et al. Early Detection of Dementia through Retinal Imaging and Trustworthy AI[J]. 2023. Under Review on npj Digital Medicine.
- Xiong Z, Kwapong W, Liu S, et al. Association of Retinal Biomarkers with the Subtypes of Ischemic Stroke and A Deep-learning-based Classification Model[J]. IOVS, 2024, 65(8): 50-50.
- Liu S, Hao J, Xu Y, et al. Polar-Net: A Clinical-Friendly Model for Alzheimer’s Disease Detection in OCTA Images[C]//International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023: 607-617. Source.